What is the best oil boiler for your home?

Home heating is a burning issue for every household since the fall. We all want to find an efficient way to heat our space, so that in winter we are ready for the difficult weather conditions. Heating with oil is still a basic method of heating in our country, although gas has made a dynamic entry and is gaining more and more preferences. So, if you are going to choose oil heating, then which is the best oil boiler?

The boiler is the most important part of the heating system and you should not leave the choice to chance. Especially if you are thinking of installing an individual oil boiler for autonomous heating, you need a study by an engineer. He will help you make the best decision, especially for the needs of your home. However, we can help you more in your choice. We have gathered some useful information for you, to choose the best oil boiler for your home!

What is the best oil boiler? 5 tips to make the right choice!

1. Consult a professional engineer

The study of the engineer is very important, especially to determine your needs in the boiler. It is true that there is no perfect boiler for all occasions. There are many oil boilers on the market, with different thermal power and different construction materials. Depending on the dimensions of your home, the area where you live and the special needs of the building, which is the best oil boiler varies.

So, a professional engineer is the ideal solution, to suggest you a reliable option. He will study the needs of your house or apartment building, if it is a central heating system and will make a first diagnosis to your measurements. This is very important, in order to save you from serious mistakes. For example, if you buy a boiler with a thermal power of 25000 kcal / h, while your house needs 30000 kcal / h, then the market will go awry. On the one hand the house will not heat up, as it should and on the other hand you will have spent a lot of money, for no reason.

2. Choose the right oil boiler material

There are 2 basic construction materials for oil boilers. There are steel boilers and cast iron boilers. Each material has advantages and disadvantages and sometimes, it is difficult to decide which is the best oil boiler. Let's look at some facts that apply to both types of boilers:

Steel oil boilers

Many households choose a steel oil boiler because it is cheaper on the market. Of course, who is the best oil boiler does not find an answer, only in terms of price. What matters is the durability of the time, but also the possibilities it offers, so that it is worth its price. In the case of steel boilers, the service life is estimated at approximately 3 decades. A key advantage, however, is that they respond very well to sudden changes in temperature, without deteriorating.

Cast iron oil boilers

For many of us, a cast iron boiler is the answer to who is the best oil boiler. Although it costs more, installing a cast iron oil boiler can have an unlimited lifespan. In these boilers, there is an additional sensitivity to sudden changes in temperature. However, this is addressed, because even if part of the boiler is damaged, the entire boiler will not need to be replaced. Their performance is very good and they do not disappoint those who choose them after study.

3. Is it worth buying a condensing boiler?

Condensing boilers are a relatively new technology in diesel boilers, for greater fuel savings. They are the most environmentally friendly boilers, as their operation reduces the emission of hazardous exhaust gases. At the same time, they offer a long-term benefit to the home by reducing oil consumption. Somehow, condensing boilers compete with traditional boilers for which is the best oil boiler for the home. Of course, condensing boilers have a much higher purchase cost, which is their main disadvantage.

Read also: Heating with Oil: How can you reduce your expenses?

4. Find the right thermal power for your home

As mentioned above, it is good to take the advice of a professional engineer, to choose the right oil boiler. The thermal power of the boiler is a very basic parameter that you must consider before making your choice. Let's look at some indicative numbers, to better understand the logic. An oil boiler with a thermal power of up to 20000 kcal / h can, in theory, heat a house of up to 100 square meters.

From 100 square meters and above, boilers around 25000 kcal / h are preferred. For very large houses, around 200 square meters, you will probably need a boiler of 40,000 kcal or more. Obviously, the higher the thermal power of the boiler λεβητες πετρελαιου , the more it costs. However, it is not recommended to save on boiler power, because you may find it difficult to heat your home.

5. Choose the boiler construction company

In the trade, there are various, Greek and non-Greek brands of oil boilers  λεβητες πετρελαιου συμπυκνωσης. But which is the best oil boiler and to which brand does it belong? The truth is, there is no right and wrong brand of oil boiler. There are many well known companies that are considered to provide quality products. For example, Buderus, Saturn and Halcotherm have boilers, which are considered very reliable. However, we do not recommend you to choose a boiler, based on the brand. Every professional and expert will suggest you something different and at the end of the day, you will decide the most suitable boiler for you.


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